Logstash if condition issue

I have configured logstash filter as follows. But following filed "NFC_APP_TYPE" (newly added filed by using a if condition) doesn't appear in Kibana dash board


if [AppCode] == "505050" {
mutate {add_field => [ "NFC_APP_TYPE", "SEMA" ]}
}else if [AppCode] == "404040" {
mutate {add_field => [ "NFC_APP_TYPE", "TRAVEL WP" ]}


But filed called AppCode appears as following picture


Following is my pattern. This 'AppCode' filed is defined under keyvalue named as %{GREEDYDATA:nfckeyvalues}


sample log:

2017-10-18 00:14:10,861 [queueJobSchedulerPrivate_Worker-23] INFO TICKET_INFO - POS=80019642|RECIVED_TO_QUEUE|message=PRIVATE|LastTckSerialHeader=196420214628, ResponseBMCode=TX_SUCCESS, LastTktRefNo=214561, TransactionType=6, TransactionSubType=0, PinReq=0, Pin=0, CvcReq=0, Cvc=0, AppCode=505050, CompanyId=1, SubAppId=0, Amount=10.0, PreBal=1483.5, PostBal=1473.5, StartLoc=1, EndLoc=2, PosTrnxTime=2017-10-17 18:15:54, IsNFC=1, TckSerial=196420214561, TckCountFull=1, TckCountHalf=0, TckCountLug=0, RouteDbId=956, TripDirection=1, TripId=3843, CardType=1, WayBillNo=0, Status=1, MerchantNo=00002495, ResponseTGCode=0, ResponseTGDesc=NO, ResponseCMSCode=8, ResponseCMSDesc=POS is not registered in the CMS, ResponseBMDesc=Duplicate Entry found, ResponseNBCode=0, ResponseNBDesc=null, TransactionID=36571948, MessageRecievedTime=2017-10-17 19:24:07, TimeDif=0, LastUpdateDate=2017-10-18 00:14:10, HeaderStatus=4, MessageSentTime=2017-10-18 00:14:08.0, EntCodeHeader=null, AppCodeHeader=505050, PosCodeHeader=80019642, PosTypeHeader=0, TnxTypeHeader=6, TxnNumHeader=null, IsNFCHeader=0, TxnTimeHeader=2017-10-17 19:23:56.0, RecCountHeader=35, FieldCountHeader=0, IsOnline=0, Did=7720171140, Uid=0469700A494380, ErrorCount=2, errCode=0, refCode=null

Is AppCode numeric or a string? See Logstash filter not working. Probably my fault :D.

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It's a string

Really? Please show an example document. Copy/paste from Kibana's JSON tab.

" AppCode": "505050",

Extremely sorry for the delay

Okay, looks good. What does your complete configuration look like? Is the grok filter that extracts the AppCode field located prior to the conditional that doesn't appear to be firing?

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Yes it's after the grok filter

if [source] =~ "gateway_tickets_info_" {
if "MATCHED" not in [tags]{
grok {

			patterns_dir => ["/apps/logstash-5.1.2/conf/patterns"]
			match => ["message", "%{NFC_POS}"]
			add_field => [ "SYS", "nfc_pos" ]
			add_tag => ["MATCHED"]
                            remove_tag => ["_grokparsefailure"]

#date for NFC POS

date {
match => [ "NFC_POS_TIME" , "YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS" ]
target => "NFC_POS_TIME"

kv {
source => "nfcposkeyval"
field_split => ","

#NFC POS Tx type mapping

if [AppCode] == "505050" {
mutate {add_field => [ "NFC_APP_TYPE", "SEMA" ]}
}else if [AppCode] == "404040" {
mutate {add_field => [ "NFC_APP_TYPE", "TRAVEL WP" ]}

grok pattern in /apps/logstash-5.1.2/conf/patterns


Sample log

2017-10-18 00:12:31,870 [queueJobSchedulerPrivate_Worker-20] INFO TICKET_INFO - POS=80008999|RECIVED_TO_QUEUE|message=PRIVATE|LastTckSerialHeader=089990033718, ResponseBMCode=TX_SUCCESS, LastTktRefNo=33685, TransactionType=6, TransactionSubType=0, PinReq=0, Pin=0, CvcReq=0, Cvc=0, AppCode=505050, CompanyId=1, SubAppId=0, Amount=20.0, PreBal=2176.5, PostBal=2156.5, StartLoc=8, EndLoc=4, PosTrnxTime=2016-12-08 06:29:08, IsNFC=1, TckSerial=089990033685, TckCountFull=1, TckCountHalf=0, TckCountLug=0, RouteDbId=EA, TripDirection=2, TripId=467, CardType=1, WayBillNo=0, Status=1, MerchantNo=00002256, ResponseTGCode=0, ResponseTGDesc=NO, ResponseCMSCode=8, ResponseCMSDesc=POS is not registered in the CMS, ResponseBMDesc=Duplicate Entry found, ResponseNBCode=0, ResponseNBDesc=null, TransactionID=11149510, MessageRecievedTime=2016-12-08 06:57:15, TimeDif=0, LastUpdateDate=2017-10-18 00:12:31, HeaderStatus=4, MessageSentTime=2017-10-18 00:11:51.0, EntCodeHeader=null, AppCodeHeader=505050, PosCodeHeader=80008999, PosTypeHeader=0, TnxTypeHeader=6, TxnNumHeader=null, IsNFCHeader=0, TxnTimeHeader=2016-12-08 06:57:04.0, RecCountHeader=36, FieldCountHeader=0, IsOnline=0, Did=7720214191, Uid=04853972974980, ErrorCount=1, errCode=0, refCode=null

" AppCode": "505050",

There's a leading space in the field name.

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Thank you very much for the prompt response!!!
It's working now.
Didn't see that space which appear due to split key values only with ","
Thanks again! (Y) :slight_smile:

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