Logstash IF Statement

What's up everyone?! I wish you're all doing great.

Take a look at this problem I'm facing. I'm loading a few log files from an Apache to ELK via Logstash. The process is pretty simple, I use the input to read the file and an output to send data to ElasticSearch. As I have more than one VirtualHost on my Apache, I have 3, sometimes 4 or more log files I need to send. I generate individual indexes on ElasticSearch for each VirtualHost I have, and it's been working pretty well so far. I got a problem now that I have two VirtualHosts pretty like each other, and it seems that the LogStash isn't being able to differ that. My config:

Logstash.conf file:

  input {
        file {
            path => ["/path/apache/logs/soasa3.intranet_access*","/path/apache/logs/soasa.intranet_access*"]
            start_position => beginning
            exclude => "*.gz"

output {

        if [path] =~ "soasa"{
                elasticsearch { hosts => ["myserver:9200"]
                index => "soasalogsacess-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"

                stdout {
                codec => rubydebug
        else [path] =~ "soasa3" {
                elasticsearch { hosts => ["myserver:9200"]
                index => "soasa3logsacess-%{+yyyy.MM.dd}"

                stdout {
                codec => rubydebug

As you can see, my VirtualHosts are soasa3.intranet and soasa.intranet.

With the configuration I mentioned, all data are in my index called soasalogsacess. If I Invert the order of the config file, like my first if statement is soasa3 and the second one soasa , It works fine. Is there any precedence order, like the more complex one, should come first??

As you are using regular expressions you will need to switch the order as everything will be caught by the first pattern as it is less specific.

I edited the question, pressed the save without finishing it heheh

But I think you answered my question. As I'm using regular expressions, the more specific one should come first, right?

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