Logstash Input redis

Hello I am using logstash 5.6.9. I am simply trying to read from my local redis server and print it to console using logstash, here is my configuration :slight_smile:

input {

redis {
	host => 'localhost'
	data_type => 'list'
	key => 'tutorials'
	type => 'redis-input'


output {stdout { codec => rubydebug } }

Still I am facing _jsonparsefailure .

I am inserting data to my redis server using the following command.

LPUSH tutorials aaa
LPUSH tutorials aa
LPUSH tutorials a

Here is a snapshot of my error what I am doing wrong here.

Basically I want to get all the values under the key and check if a particular value exists.

Thank you

Here is a snapshot of my error what I am doing wrong here.

The redis input defaults to the json codec. If you're not sending JSON data you should configure it to use the plain codec.

Basically I want to get all the values under the key and check if a particular value exists.

Logstash will pop the values one by one. I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to accomplish.

Hello magnusbaeck,

Thank you for response.

could you please go through this link , which has more detailed explanation of my query.


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