Logstash is not able to connect to workplace search

Hi Team,
I have added workplace search as a output plugin.

output {
  elastic_workplace_search {
    source => "6555639ee4f75566c32f4298"
    access_token => "efzq36opkajivo13judz65n9"
    url => ""

logstash shows error:

[ERROR] 2023-04-23 13:12:22.410 [[main]-pipeline-manager] javapipeline - Pipeline error {:pipeline_id=>"main", :exception=>#<LogStash::ConfigurationError: Failed to connect to Workplace Search. Error: 404. Please check if url '' is correct and you've created a source with ID '6555639ee4f75566c32f4298'>,

But my wokplace search is installed and running fine on given server ip.

logstash version: 7.17.3
ws version: 8.6.2

What could be the issue version or configuration?

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