Logstash Issue: Glob did not work, collector name {:name=>"ConcurrentMarkSweep"}

  1. why did that happen without changing any configuration?

Why did what happen? If it started working after you changed "null" to "nul" then you certainly changed the configuration.

  1. what's the importance of since_db file. I don't think it's mandatory specifying in a configuration file?

No, but setting it to "nul" or "/dev/null" (depending on your OS) will make Logstash oblivious to any old saved state about the current position in the file. The file input documentation has a few paragraphs on sincedb files. Please read them.

  1. difference between forward and backward slashes for specifying file path?

Well, it seems Ruby or some Ruby library used by Logstash works better with forward slashes, even on Windows.

  1. what exactly are globbed files and what is glob did not work?

A filename glob is a filename pattern that may or may not include wildcards. A glob that doesn't work is a glob that doesn't expand to any actual files. See glob (programming) - Wikipedia.