Logstash JDBC input cannot determine timezone from nil

I'm getting an error while running logstash

" (ArgumentError) Cannot determine timezone from nil\n(secs:1720605029.799,utc~:"2024-07-10 09:50:29.7990000247955322",ltz~:nil)"

I have tried the solution from other threads, but didn't work.

The timezone of the server is ASIA/HONG_KONG. Here is my pipeline cofiguration:

input {
  jdbc {
    jdbc_driver_library => "C:/Users/XXXXX/Downloads/exajdbc.jar" 
    jdbc_driver_class => "com.exasol.jdbc.EXADriver"
    jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:exa:" 
    jdbc_user => "XXXXXX" 
    jdbc_password => "XXXXX" 
	plugin_timezone => local
	jdbc_default_timezone => "ASIA/HONG_KONG"
        jdbc_paging_enabled => true
        tracking_column => "login_time"
        use_column_value => true
        tracking_column_type => "numeric"
        schedule => "*/5 * * * * *"
        statement => "SELECT * FROM EXA_DBA_AUDIT_SESSIONS WHERE login_time > :sql_last_value  ORDER BY login_time ASC"
filter {

output {
  stdout { codec =>  "rubydebug"}

ELK stack version 8.14.2

Is there any solution?

Have you tried using the correct canonical name, which is Asia/Hong_Kong?

You are using it in all caps, not sure if this will have any effect or not.

ASIA/HONG_KONG is what I got when I query the timezone setting in Exasol DB. I tried to change jdbc_default_timezone => "Asia/Singapore" in pipleline configuration, still got the same error.

Tried Asia/Hong_Kong, not working either.

The issue is resolved after I set timezone in windows with following command:

set TZ="Asia/Hong_Kong"
tzutil /s "China Standard Time_dstoff"

Thanks @leandrojmp !