Logstash - _jsonparsefailure on valid json in udp input

I'm using Logstash 8.0.0 with a fairly straightforward udp pipeline:

input {
  udp {
    codec => json {
      charset => "UTF-8"
	  port => 12200

output {
  stdout {}

The data is being sent from a custom Log4j1 Appender, but I'm fairly sure it's valid JSON. It's being generated using json-simple. All messages seem to fail, showing _jsonparsefailure during processing:

    "@timestamp" => 2022-02-21T12:32:33.240128Z,
          "host" => {
        "ip" => ""
       "message" => "{\"message\":\"Camel-Script activator stopped\",\"logger_name\":\"org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator\",\"level_value\":20000,\"level\":\"INFO\",\"thread_name\":\"FelixStartLevel\",\"application\":\"fuse-scan\",\"environment\":\"local-docker\",\"service\":\"Cockpit\",\"caller_class_name\":\"org.apache.camel.script.osgi.Activator\",\"caller_line_number\":\"82\",\"caller_method_name\":\"stop\",\"caller_file_name\":\"Activator.java\",\"host\":\"zd3402\"}",
      "@version" => "1",
          "tags" => [
        [0] "_jsonparsefailure"

I've looked at a whole bunch of messages and all of them seem to be valid JSON objects... Any ideas what might be causing this behavior?

It seems this is not JSON message. Use KV plugin instead.

How is this not a valid message? Take a look a "message". This is literally the message content received by Logstash.

Yes, you have right it is JSON format. My mistake
Try not to use UTF-8 as codec, but most likely backslash is a problem.
Use gsub to remove backslash then apply JSON codec in filter
gsub => [ "message", '' , '"' ]

From the documentation:

If you are streaming JSON messages delimited by \n then see the **json_lines** codec.

Encoding will result in a compact JSON representation (no line terminators or indentation)

If this codec recieves a payload from an input that is not valid JSON, then it will fall back to plain text and add a tag _jsonparsefailure . Upon a JSON failure, the payload will be stored in the message field.


input {
  udp {
    codec => json_lines{
      charset => "UTF-8"
	  port => 12200

b) do no use the codec in input. Instead do replacement in the filter. But I'm sure a) option will help

Found the issue - I think... I'm not sure why, but udp doesn't seem compatible with ecs_compatibility => "v8" (global setting in our case).

I disabled it and now everything is being parsed correctly:

udp {
    ecs_compatibility => "disabled"
    codec => "json"
    port => 12200

AFAIK, your source fields must be according ECS names.

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