I'm witnessing some weird (Or maybe normal) behavior when using Logstash with the Kafka input.
Kafka v1.0
Logstash v6.1.1
ES v6.0
1 Logstash server
3 Kafka servers
1 Topic
50 Partitions
input {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "kafka-server1:9092,kafka-server2:9092,kafka-server3:9092"
fetch_max_bytes => "104857600"
group_id => "group-name"
max_partition_fetch_bytes => "104857600"
max_poll_records => "100000"
topics => ["topic-name"]
output {
elasticsearch {
action => "index"
document_id => "%{id}"
hosts => ["es-server1:9200", "es-server2:9200", "es-server3:9200"]
index => "index-name"
manage_template => false
resurrect_delay => 2
retry_initial_interval => 1
retry_max_interval => 4
When ES goes down, logstash fails the bulk request and retries it indefinitely. So far so good.
If I restart logstash while its waiting for a retry, those events that are in that soon-to-be-retried bulk request are not being refetched from Kafka when Logstash restarts.
I was assuming that because the bulk requests failed, Logstash didn't commit the offset for them, thus making them be re-fetched when Logstash starts again.
But what happens is that Logstash skips those events (Probably because the offset has been updated).
Is this intentional or a bug?
Could it be related to the auto committing of the offset?