I have issue with my logstash s3 iinput. The last messages I see in my kibana iinterface is from several days earlier In fact I have an AWS elb with logs enable. I've tested from command line and I can see that logsstash is continuously processing inputs, and never outputs. In the elb s3 bucket there is one folder per day/per month/per year and each folder contains several log files and with a total size of arround 60GB.
It was working fine at the begining, but as logs grow, it become slow, and now I'm seeing my logs in the outpiut size. Logstah is keeping doing input task, filter, and never output logs.
I created a dedicated configuration file for test with only s3 as input, and test in a dedicated machine from command line :
/opt/logstash/bin/logstash agent -f /tmp/s3.conf --debug 2>&1 | tee /tmp/logstash.log
the s3.conf file :
admin@ip-10-3-27-129:~$ cat /tmp/s3.conf
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!! This file is managed by SALT !!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!! All changes will be lost !!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!! DO NOT EDIT MANUALLY ! !!!!!!!!!
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#--[ INPUT ]----------------------------------------------------------------
# Logs ELB API
bucket => "s3.prod.elb.logs.eu-west-1.mydomain"
prefix => "rtb/smaato/AWSLogs/653589716289/elasticloadbalancing/"
interval => 30
region => "eu-west-1"
type => "elb_access_log"
#--[ FILTER ]---------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the HTTP request time to @timestamp field
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
# Parse the ELB access logs
if [type] == "elb_access_log" {
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp:date} %{HOSTNAME:loadbalancer} %{IP:client_ip}:%{POSINT:client_port:int} (?:%{IP:backend_ip}:%{POSINT:backend_port:int}|-) %{NUMBER:request_processing_time:float} %{NUMBER:backend_processing_time:float} %{NUMBER:response_processing_time:float} %{INT:backend_status_code:int} %{INT:received_bytes:int} %{INT:sent_bytes:int} %{INT:sent_bytes_ack:int} \"%{WORD:http_method} %{URI:url_asked} HTTP/%{NUMBER:http_version}\" \"%{GREEDYDATA:user_agent}\" %{NOTSPACE:ssl_cipher} %{NOTSPACE:ssl_protocol}" ]
remove_field => [ "message" ]
kv {
field_split => "&?"
source => "url_asked"
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
remove_field => [ "timestamp" ]
# Remove the filebeat input tag
mutate {
remove_tag => [ "beats_input_codec_plain_applied" ]
# Remove field tags if empty
if [tags] == [] {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "tags" ]
# Remove some unnecessary fields to make Kibana cleaner
mutate {
remove_field => [ "@version", "count", "fields", "input_type", "offset", "[beat][hostname]", "[beat][name]", "[beat]" ]
#--[ OUTPUT ]---------------------------------------------------------------
# elasticsearch {
# hosts => [""]
# }
# file {
# path => "/tmp/logastash/elb/elb_logs.json"
# }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
And I can see input processing, filter, and the message like "will start output worker....." but not output event received, never.
I created a new folder (named test_elb) on the bucket, and copy logs from one day folder (31/12/2016 for example) into it, and then set the new created as prefix in my input configuration like this :
bucket => "s3.prod.elb.logs.eu-west-1.mydomain"
prefix => "rtb/smaato/AWSLogs/653589716289/test_elb/"
interval => 30
region => "eu-west-1"
type => "elb_access_log"
And with that s3 prefix, logstash is doing all the pipeline processing (input, filter, output) as expecting, and I see my logs outputs.
so for me it seems like the bucket is to large and losgstash-s3 plugin has difficult to process it.
Can someone here advise on that problematic please?
My logstash version : 2.2.4
Operating system: Debian Jessie
I've search and ask in the elasticseach IRC chan, and no real solution.
Do you thing it could be a bucket size matter
Thanks for the help.