Hello Logstash experts,
Is it ok to have multiple include_keys in my kv filter config? I want to avoid parsing all KVs since it is adding a lot of junk KV pairs to my list of fields, so I am whitelisting the keys I am interested in. The whitelist has grown over a period of time. Configtest seems to allow this, and logstash came up fine but I am not seeing the keys I expect, so was wondering if this is wrong:
kv {
source => "message"
include_keys => ["received_from", "count", "mean_rate", "m1", "m5", "m15", "min", "max", "mean", "stddev", "median", "p75", "p95", "p98", "p99", "p999"]
include_keys => ["mean_rate", "rate_unit", "duration_unit", "type", "name", "appName", "contextId", "gateway", "route", "deviceId", "messageType", "errStack"]
include_keys => ["errMessage", "messageDir", "mqttTopic", "topic", "allowAnonymous", "stats.allowedWriteCounter", "stats.deniedWriteCounter", "stats.allowedReadCounter"]
trim => "<>\[\],"
trimkey => "<>\[\],"