Hi Team,
Need help on logstash Memcached filter plugin.
I see the logstash memcached filter plugin can not open more than 4 connections to Memcached server.
is there any configuration required for this memcached filter plugin?
thanks in advance
(Leandro Pereira)
September 27, 2021, 7:11pm
It is not clear what your issue is, can you provide more information?
What is your configuration? What is not working? Do you have any errors in your logs? How are you counting the connections?
Hello Leandro,
Thank you for looking into my issue. Below is my logstash Memcached plugin filter.
filter {
grok {
match => {
patterns_dir => "${LOGSTASH_HOME}/patterns/"
"message" => "%{HOSTNAME:host}"
###################### memecached begin #############################
mutate {
add_field => { "host_key" => "%{host}" }
fingerprint {
source => ["host_key"]
target => ["memcache_value"]
memcached {
hosts => [ "xx.xx.xx.xx:19663" ]
get => {
"%{host_key}" => "field1"
id => "memcached-get"
if [field1] != [memcache_value] {
memcached {
hosts => [ "xx.xx.xx.xx:19663" ]
ttl => 18000
set => {
"[memcache_value]" => "%{host_key}"
id => "memcached-set"
mutate { remove_field => [ "host_key", "memcache_value" ] }
###################### memecached end #############################
**Logstash configuration**
* workers: 8
* batch_size : 500
* batch_delay : 1000
* consumer thread: 5
* No of topic partition: 5
in the Memcached top tool ( https://github.com/eculver/memcache-top ). I see only 4 connection connection
memcache-top v0.7 (default port: 19663, color: on, refresh: 3 seconds)
INSTANCE USAGE HIT % CONN TIME ITEMS EVICT/s GETS/s SETS/s READ/s WRITE/s 1.4% 0.0% 4 2.1ms 236.3K 0.0 1642 1833 257.7K 39.2K
AVERAGE: 1.4% 0.0% 4 2.1ms 236.3K 0.0 1642 1833 257.7K 39.2K
TOTAL: 28.4MB/ 2.0GB 4 2.1ms 236.3K 0.0 1642 1833 257.7K 39.2K
(ctrl-c to quit.)
same see in below in screenshot,
on the other side where logstash is running we see below result,
Let me know if you need further information
The issue is similar to me,
As I have not encountered any post related to the memcached so far.
I have a very powerful machine, 512 GB of ram, RAID0 of SSD, 80 CPU cores of Xeon v4.... so the hardware is not the limit, potentially my misconfiguration.
My memcached settings are:
logfile /var/log/memcached.log
# -v
-m 512
-p 11211
-u memcache
-t 32
# -c 1024
# -k
# -M
# -r
# service memcached status
● memcached.service - LSB: Start memcached daemon
Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/memcached; gen…
Hello Leandro,
Did you get a chance to look into it?
October 28, 2021, 9:28am
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