I'm using logstash 7.10.2 with MongoDB logstash-output plugin (tested 2 diff versions), I'm trying to write documents from elastic to mongodb, however I'm getting the following errors for each version,
plugin version logstash-output-mongodb (3.1.5)
[2021-03-24T16:28:04,774][DEBUG][logstash.outputs.mongodb ][main][875e71ebe6badsfddsdf06ff929e4fasadfsd34535435b35sdfsd919asfdsafsf9c] MONGODB | COMMAND | namespace=MyMongoDB.$cmd selector={:insert=>"myMongoCollection", :docu
ments=>[{"field_1"=>"value", "@version"=>"1", "@timestamp"=>"\"2021-03-24T20:27:43.100Z\"", "field_2"=>"value", "field_3"=>"value", "field_4"=>"value", ... flags=[] limit=-1 skip=0 project=nil | runtime: 0.0000ms
exception=>#<Mongo::Auth::Unauthorized: User ABC123 is not authorized to access MyMongoDB.>
<Mongo::Error::OperationFailure: command insert requires authentication (13)>
plugin version logstash-output-mongodb (3.1.6)
[2021-03-24T17:00:16,871][WARN ][logstash.outputs.mongodb ][main] MONGODB | Failed to handshake with myMongoDB-server.com:1234: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)
[2021-03-24T17:00:16,871][WARN ][logstash.outputs.mongodb ][main] MONGODB | Error running ismaster on myMongoDB-server.com:1234: ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 2, expected 1)
[2021-03-24T17:00:16,886][DEBUG][logstash.outputs.mongodb ][main] MONGODB | Server description for myMongoDB-server.com:1234changed from 'unknown' to 'unknown'.
the user that I'm providing in the uri connection has privileges to add documents, I've tested manually via MongoDB Compass UI.
Any suggestion if this is a bug in the plugins ?