Logstash move subfield to top field

 "_score" : 1.0,
        "_source" : {
          "Europe" : {
            "DateTime" : {
              "Date" : "08.08.2020",
              "Time" : "15"
            "City" : [
                "Data" : {
                  "Temp" : "32",
                  "Humidity" : "33",
                  "WindDirection" : "NE",
                  "WindSpeed" : "03"

                "CityName" : "Amsterdam"

Hi, I am a complete beginner and I started playing around with the logstash conf file. I was wondering what is the best way to move fields (Temp,Humidity,WindDirection,WindSpeed) to the same level as "CityName" while removing the "Data" object.

Something very similar to this, except that instead of "doc" it would be "[City][Data]" and instead of using just k in the event.set it would be "[City][#{k}]".

Thanks for the answer I tried it but I got an error:
Ruby exception occurred: undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass

I assume this is something I need to account for, do you have a suggestion on how to do that? I am not really familiar with ruby.

That is telling you that you called event.get on a field that does not exist. Try "[Europe][City][Data]" and "[Europe][City][#{k}]".

"Europe" => {
        "DateTime" => {
            "Time" => "15",
             "Date" => "08.08.2020"
               "City" => [
            [ 0] {
                "Data" => {
                           "Humidity" => "33",
                     "WindDirection" => "NE",
                            "Temp" => "32",
                    "WindSpeed" => "03"
                "CityName" => "Amsterdam"
            [ 1] {
                "Data" => {
                           "Humidity" => "18",
                     "WindDirection" => "E",
                            "Temp" => "33",
                    "WindSpeed" => "06"
                "CityName" => "Ankara"

This is the output when I run the config file as you can see I have multiple cities could that be the issue?

Yes indeed! You can try this, which I have not tested.

ruby {
    code => '
        oldCities = event.get("[Europe][City]")
        cities = []
        oldCities.each { |x|
            x["Data"].each { | k, v |
                x[k] = v
           cities << x
        event.set([Europe][City]", cities)

It works thank you so much :slight_smile:

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