Logstash multiline CSV


I recently switched from Filebeat to Logstash, but my multiline config pattern is not working anymore.

My config file:

    path => [ "D:/temp/*test*.csv" ]
    start_position => "beginning"
	codec => multiline
			pattern => "^\t|^Take the following|^\","
			negate => "false"
			what => "next"

The CSV file with 2 entries:

".","Take the following actions:
	Set audit severity level to 'Do not audit'
	and Blind carbon copy(Bcc) the message to 'temp@temp'
","8/12/2021 1:46:46 AM"
"geheim","If the message:
	Includes these words in the message subject or body: 'temp1' or 'temp2' or 'temp3'
Take the following actions:
	Set audit severity level to 'Do not audit'
	and Blind carbon copy(Bcc) the message to 'temp@temp.com'
","1/18/2022 1:56:15 AM"

My goal is to get the 3 comma separated fields. What is the best way to archive this?

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