Logstash multiple pipelines bug?

I made a mutiple pipeline with version 6.6 of logstash. But, he has behavior that is unexpected.
Indeed I have my multiple pipeline that generates duplicates of the data as if making a loop before stopping the processing. For 3 lines of message in file it generates randomly 200 or 500 or 700 lines of the 3 lines of messages duplicated in outputs. Also my input exec doesn't generate anything for me. so if I run it alone it works fine. Below my code :

File pipelines.yml

- pipeline.id: main
  queue.type: persisted
  path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/main.conf" 
- pipeline.id: els
  queue.type: persisted
  path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/els.conf"  
- pipeline.id: file
  queue.type: persisted
  path.config: "/etc/logstash/conf.d/output_file.conf" 

file main.conf

input {
	file {
	  path => "/etc/logstash/test.txt"
	  start_position => "beginning"
	  sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
	  tags => "file_test"
	exec {
		codec => "json"
		command => "bash /etc/logstash/curl.sh"
		interval => 30
		tags => "stats"

output {
	if "stats" in [tags] {
		elasticsearch {
			hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
			index => "index-test"
	if "file_test" in [tags] {
		pipeline { 
			send_to => [els, output_file] 
	stdout { codec => rubydebug }

file els.conf

input {
	pipeline { address => els } 

filter {


output {
		if "old_date" in [tags] {
			file {
			  path => "/opt/logstash/old/old_log.log"
			  codec => line { format => "%{message}"}
		if "old_date" not in [tags] {
			elasticsearch {
				hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
				index => "index-test2"


input {
	pipeline { address => output_file } 

output {
			path => "/opt/logstash/new/new.log"
			codec => line { format => "%{message}"}

Is this behavior a bug? If not, how can this be resolved?

Thank you in advance

It looks like the pipelines are not being picked up, and the fact that you have stored your configs in the standard config directory to some extent hides this. I suspect the reason for this is that your config file is named pipeline.yml and not pipelines.yml, which the documentation indicates is the correct name.

it's an entry error. it is pipelines.yml which is well in the configuration directory.
I just modified the contents of the pipelines.yml file in its default directory after installation.

The pronleme has been resolved by removing the conf queue.type: persisted in the pipeline configuration

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