Logstash - Nested aggregation


I am trying to aggregate some data from a SQL DB with Logstash. The data that I am trying to import has the following structure:

  • Category
    • Type
      • Product

Where each category can have multiple types, and each type can have multiple products

The data is read line by line as:
categoryid | categoryname | typeid | typename | productid | productname

The code I currently have is as follows:

filter {
 aggregate {
   task_id => "%{categoryid}"
   code => "
	 map['categoryid'] = event.get('categoryid')
	 map['categoryname'] = event.get('categoryname')
	 map['types'] ||= []
	 map['types'] << {
		'typeid' => event.get('typeid'),
		'typename' => event.get('typename'),
	map['types']['products'] ||= []
	map['types']['products']  << {
		'productid' => event.get('productid'),
        'productname' => event.get('productname')
   push_previous_map_as_event => true
   timeout => 3

Unfortunately, this code doesn't work and gives a 'String to Integer' conversion error

I've been searching for help around, but can't seem to find an answer that works.
Thanks in advance!

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