I've been using Logstash to parse my AWS ELB logs for a little while, but need to change my parsing since it's causing the ElasticSearch mapping to grow.
What I have currently is this:
if [type] == "elb" {
grok {
match => [ "message", "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp} %{NOTSPACE:elb} %{IP:clientip}:%{INT:clientport:int} (?:(%{IP:backendip}:?:%{INT:backendport:int})|-) %{NUMBER:request_processing_time:float} %{NUMBER:backend_processing_time:float} %{NUMBER:response_processing_time:float} %{INT:response:int} %{INT:backend_response:int} %{INT:received_bytes:int} %{INT:bytes:int} \"(?:%{WORD:verb} (?<request>%{URIPROTO:proto}://(?:%{USER}(?::[^@]*)?@)?(?<urihost>((?:%{IP}|\b(?:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z\-_]{0,62})(?:\.(?:[0-9A-Za-z][0-9A-Za-z\-_]{0,62}))*(\.?|\b))(?::%{POSINT:port})?))(?:%{URIPATH:path}(?<params>\?[A-Za-z0-9$.+!*'|(){},~@#%&/=:;_?\-\[\]<>\^\`]*)?)?)(?: HTTP/%{NUMBER:httpversion})?|%{DATA:rawrequest})\" \"%{DATA:useragent}\" %{NOTSPACE:ssl_cipher} %{NOTSPACE:ssl_protocol}"] }
date {
match => [ "timestamp", "ISO8601" ]
if [params] {
mutate {
rename => { "params" => "params[request]" }
urldecode {
field => "params[request]"
kv {
source => "params[request]"
field_split => "?&"
target => "params"
mutate {
split => { "params[document_ids]" => "," }
I'm putting this here just so you can understand what I've been doing. The problem comes from the usage of the kv
filter: it creates an array of items based upon the request parameters that are being parsed from my log lines, that continues to grow, since it's just converting the input into key-vals without any filtering.
After doing some reading around, I want to try out nested fields, specifically for the parameters section. So the JSON I've got currently looks like this:
"params": [
"request": "?document_ids=1,2,3,4,5&user_id=1234567890",
"document_ids": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"],
"user_id": "1234567890"
As I understand it, with nested fields this would rather be in this form:
"params": [
"key": "document_ids",
"value": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]
"key": "user_id",
"value": "1234567890"
Unfortunately I can't work out a way to do this. I tried using kv
to extract them as key-vals, and try to feed that into a ruby
filter but it errors out, and I wasn't sure if it was the most efficient way to be creating these fields.
Does anyone have any thoughts on how I should be going about this?