I have an issue with data parsing through Logstash. It reads a csv file but assigns data incorrectly in the message filed.
Below is the overall description:
I am parsing a csv file in logstash which outputs file system used % for each file system on the server.
The csv output is as below:
The logstash config is:
input {
path=> filepath.csv
type => "diskspace"
id => "filesystemusedid"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
ignore_older => 43200
close_older => 300
filter {
if [type] == "diskspace" {
csv {
columns => ["FSHostname", "FileSysDate", "FileSysTime", "FSFileSystem", "FSUsed" ]
add_field => {"filesystemtimevalue" => "%{FileSysDate} %{FileSysTime}"}
add_field => {"Type => "filespace"}
convert => {"FSUsed" => "integer"}
target => "fsusedpercenttmpstmp"
match => ["filesystemtimevalue", "dd:MM:yy HH:mm:ss" ]
mutate {
remove_field => ["FileSysDate"]
remove_field => ["FileSysTime"]
source => ["message"]
method => "SHA1"
concatenate_sources => true
output {
if [Type] == "filespace" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => "hostname" index=> "filesystemused-%{+xxxx.ww}" document_id => "%{fingerprint}"
stdout {codec => rubydebug}
Now the problem is that Logstash parse the file correctly for some records but for some it incorrectly assigns value in the message as below thereby leading to a dateparsefailure exception.
[2018-02-07T13:00:03,371][DEBUG][logstash.pipeline ] output received {"event"=>{"FSHostname"=>"18", "filesystemtimevalue"=>"10:00:00 /app/logstash", "message"=>"18,10:00:00,/app/logstash,12", "type"=>"diskspace", "FSFileSystem"=>"12", "tags"=>["_dateparsefailure"], "path"=>"/ELK/finalFSdata/FileSystem_180207.csv", "Type"=>"filespace", "@timestamp"=>2018-02-07T13:00:03.230Z, "@version"=>"1", "host"=>"hostname", "fingerprint"=>"4fe229656a0352e72a29e70a8d9878bbaf6e46109"}}
I tried dropping the index and re-creating new index multiple times. Also re-created csv files but it still could not solve the issue.
Please help to verify the problem.