I am still facing issue for tracking the current position of the log file being read.
Whenever I restart the logstash agent, it starts reading for the start due to which I am getting duplicate entries in my elastic search.
This sounds like a sincedb problem. What is your config when you try to load your input files? I know there is a dev input style that people use when they want to make sure logstash is working. If you want to clear your elasticsearch just send it a curl -XDELETE 'localhost:9200/_all'. That is the default command
In the past when people have had HP-UX issues I believe it's been because of JRuby problems and that's not easily fixed by the Logstash folks. HP-UX isn't an officially supported platform for Logstash; see https://www.elastic.co/subscriptions/matrix.
Note that with sincedb => "/etc/" you need to run Logstash as a user with write permissions to /etc, which typically means root. Are you? (If yes, stop doing it. Logstash should not run as root.)
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