Logstash not working with allow_time_override and getting data loss influxdb

I am facing data loss issue with logstash version 5.2 with influxdb output pluggin.

My logstash configs are:

        filter {
          grok {
         patterns_dir => ["/etc/logstash/patterns"]
              match => { "message" => "%{NGINXACCESSBLOG}"}
              if [type] == "nginx-access-router" {
            ruby { code => "event.set('epoc', event.get('@timestamp').to_i)" }
            date {
                match => [ "timestamp" , "dd/MMM/YYYY:HH:mm:ss Z" ]
            target => "newdate"

            mutate { convert => [ "request_time", "float" ] }
            if ![response] {
              mutate { add_field => ["response", "nil"] }

    output {

      if [type] == "nginx-access" {

            influxdb {
          host => "localhost"
          port => 8086
          user => "admin"
          password => "XXX"
          db => "xx"
          allow_time_override => true
          retention_policy => "XX"
          measurement => "XXXX"
          enable_metric => false
          send_as_tags => ["response"]
          data_points => {

            "response" => "%{[response]}"

        "timestamp" => "%{[epoc]}"
            "time" => "%{[epoc]}"

         coerce_values => {
            "request_time"   => "float"

Note: I have checked in debug log that all received log lines are successfully parsed with grok pattern.

Then why getting more then 50% data loss.

Some solution i tried: As per https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-output-influxdb/issues/69

I tried to use "allow_time_override" as above mentioned configuration but logstash stop pushing data to influxdb and getting nothing in error log file.

After lots of tracing step by step able to find the root cause and fix of data loss issue as i posted yesterday.

Issue root cause is:

Influxdb overrides duplicate timestamp
To know more Why influxdb does override duplicate timestamp entry

Add unique filter as:

uuid {
target => "uuid"
overwrite => true

Then add in output tag as:

send_as_tags => ["uuid"]
      data_points => {

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