Logstash OSS distribution containing EULA


I was checking the license for logstash-oss and found a notice.txt file containing licenses of few dependencies. One among them is the


which is a notice added for Red Hat Universal Base Image minimal-8

Upon further investigation, it is found that redhat is being used in logstash github repo in qa/sys/redhat

Is this the only place where redhat base image is used?

The qa folder is missing in logstash-oss source code but still the notice.txt contains EULA for redhat even though redhat is not present.

The notice.txt for logstash-oss is exactly the same as the one in full distribution. Is this expected?

Is the EULA in notice.txt applicable when we build and use logstash-oss ?

Thanks in Advance.

Mohana Krishnan

Hi @RobBavey

I see you have worked in this PR Add RedHat Univeral Base Image license information by robbavey · Pull Request #12287 · elastic/logstash · GitHub

Could you please help me in clarifying the above query?

Hi Elastic team,

Any updates on this?

Hi team,

This is actually critical for us and it would be appreciated if we can get a response on this.

Thanks in Advance.


There is no SLA on this forum and only someone from Elastic can answer your question.

You may get a faster answer opening an issue in Logstash repository on github or maybe sending an e-mail to elastic_license@elastic.co.

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