Logstash output Chinese garbled

####hi all, I was troubled by a problem for a long time.
I made a .mmdb file for fun with the perl writer maxmind provided,
####there are some chinese words in it,
it can be read correctly from the terminal with the perl reader like this:

location    {
        accuracy_radius   20,
        latitude          10,
        longitude         11,
        time_zone         "卧室"

what confuses me is that when I use the mmdb file I made with logstash, the logstash std output made the chinese words garbled like this:

location    {
        accuracy_radius   20,
        latitude          10,
        longitude         11,
        time_zone         "'æƒ å®‰'"

....any idea or any conf should I do?

thanks for reading my strange question

yeah, i decode the file read into the mmdb database with perl utf-8 decoder first, and then it works well!

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