Logstash output file has additional fields


My config is as below
filter { grok { match => { "message" => "%{DATE_EU:mydate}%{SPACE}%{HOUR:myhour}.%{MINUTE:myminute}.%{SECOND:mysecond}%{SPACE}%{GREEDYDATA:realdata}"} }

and my input is as below
16.04.2015 00.02.31:125 RECV MO ID:routernode6@nbpagpapp6:520920746 CID:C50836 DA:95999-E164A OA:6281230252381-E164N EX:T NI:smpp-mo N/A UD:OFF\ MD

and my output is as below
{"message":"16.04.2015 00.02.31:125 RECV MO ID:routernode6@nbpagpapp6:520920746 CID:C50836 DA:95999-E164A OA:6281230252381-E164N EX:T NI:smpp-mo N/A UD:OFF\\ MD","@version":"1","@timestamp":"2016-05-12T11:10:49.936Z","path":"/home/test/project/logstash_sample_data/api_trace_input.log","host":"vijayvm.mav.com","mydate":"16.04.2015","myhour":"00","myminute":"02","mysecond":"31:125","realdata":"RECV MO ID:routernode6@nbpagpapp6:520920746 CID:C50836 DA:95999-E164A OA:6281230252381-E164N EX:T NI:smpp-mo N/A UD:OFF\\ MD"}

My question is based on my grok filter, I have to get only below as output.
{"mydate":"16.04.2015","myhour":"00","myminute":"02","mysecond":"31:125","realdata":"RECV MO ID:routernode6@nbpagpapp6:520920746 CID:C50836 DA:95999-E164A OA:6281230252381-E164N EX:T NI:smpp-mo N/A UD:OFF\\ MD"}}

But May I know why is it printing additional items like "message", "path" and "host" ?

The file input adds the host and path fields and the message field is a leftover from the original input that you grokked. If you don't want to have the fields you can remove them with the remove_field option of e.g. a mutate filter.

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thanks @magnusbaeck, I could remove it with mutate filter. I understood 'host' and 'path' are added by file input. But that 'message' doesnt seems to be the leftover of grok.

But that 'message' doesnt seems to be the leftover of grok.

Your grok filter parses the message field so you obviously have a message field. If you don't need that field after you've parsed it you have to remove it yourself.