Hi All,
I have installed metricbeat (Version 6.3.0) in my ubuntu machine and sending data to logstash output and I am running logstash (5.6.10 Version) to send metricbeat data to influxdb and below is my logstash configuration,
Installed the logstash-output-influxdb plugin as like below
./logstash-plugin install --version 5.0.3 logstash-output-influxdb
Logstash configuration
input {
beats {
port => 5044
output {
stdout {codec => rubydebug}
influxdb {
host => "localhost"
port => 8086
user => "admin"
password => "password"
db => "metrics"
codec => "json"
use_event_fields_for_data_points => true
exclude_fields => ["@timestamp", "@version", "sequence", "message", "type"]
data_points => {
However I am able to run logstash successfully but metrics data were not sending to influxdb and below is the exception i am getting in console,
[2018-07-03T09:17:59,344][WARN ][logstash.outputs.influxdb] Non recoverable exception while writing to InfluxDB {:exception=>#<InfluxDB::Error: {"error":"unable to parse 'logstash,beats_input_raw_event=true,host={\"name\"\\=\u003e\"localhost\"} system={\"memory\"=\u003e{\"hugepages\"=\u003e{\"total\"=\u003e0, \"default_size\"=\u003e2097152, \"surplus\"=\u003e0, \"reserved\"=\u003e0, \"used\"=\u003e{\"pct\"=\u003e0, \"bytes\"=\u003e0}, \"free\"=\u003e0}, \"actual\"=\u003e{\"free\"=\u003e4079476736, \"used\"=\u003e{\"pct\"=\u003e0.567, \"bytes\"=\u003e5342081024}}, \"total\"=\u003e9421557760, \"swap\"=\u003e{\"total\"=\u003e0, \"used\"=\u003e{\"pct\"=\u003e0, \"bytes\"=\u003e0}, \"free\"=\u003e0}, \"used\"=\u003e{\"pct\"=\u003e0.6941, \"bytes\"=\u003e6539534336}, \"free\"=\u003e2882023424}},beat={\"name\"=\u003e\"localhost\", \"hostname\"=\u003e\"localhost\", \"version\"=\u003e\"6.3.0\"},@version=\"1\",metricset={\"name\"=\u003e\"memory\", \"rtt\"=\u003e326, \"module\"=\u003e\"system\"} 1530609478299': invalid boolean"}
Please let me know your thoughts and it would be very helpful and correct me if my configuration is wrong.
Ganeshbabu R