Logstash Output to Cloudwatch Configuration

We need to send the logs to CLoudwatch using Logstash. I could not find any site online which shows how to setup and configure in step by step or details.

Could you please help on how to configure and send the logs to Cloudwatch once the Logstash is installed on the server.

What have you tried so far? :slight_smile:

Have not yet tried anything. Just installed the Logstash following the documentation

We are not installing Kibana and Elasticsearch, only Logstash to send the logs to Cloudwatch.


Have a try yourself following the documents and come back if you have issues, we aren't here to write all of the config for you :wink:

I can understand every individual configuration is different. Like the installation document, it would have helped if there was a generic document to show how to set it up and get going or the configuration for each plugin.


There is the configuration section here then for cloud watch:


I saw this Output plugin documentation at

But there is no configuration example as shown in Input plugin.

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