Logstash output to kafka does not working?

as question is, who can give me a example,
my config as follows:

input {
#stdin { }
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "bi1:9092,bi2:9092,bi3:9092"
topics => "test"

output {
stdout { codec => rubydebug }


What you are showing is an input from Kafka, not an output, which is what the title of the thread mentions. Please provide some more details around what you are trying to do, what you have tried so far and exactly what is not working, as this will make it easier for the community to assist.

sorry,maybe I did not describe my broblem clearly

I want to fetch data from kafka to show in conose or to es,

I version 1.4
get data from kafka is useful by ,in version 5.3.1 ,it does not work

1.4 config
input {
kafka {
zk_connect => "bi-kf1:2181,bi-kf2:2181,bi-kf3:2181"
topic_id => "appuplogs"

5.3 config

input {
#stdin { }
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "bi1:9092,bi2:9092,bi3:9092"
topics => "test"



thank you very much

Please format you config as it will make it a lot easier to read. What version of Kafka are you using?

sorry ,I format the configration,
My kafka version is 2.1.1-


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