Logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] UNEXPECTED POOL ERROR {:e=>#<LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch::HttpClient::Pool::NoConnectionAvailableError: No Available connections>}

I am new to ELK stack and also to td-agent. purpose of this installation is to store application logs...i had installed elasticsearch(9200),kibana(5601),logastash (5044)and td-agent(8888)....

But elasticsearch ,kibana is working where as logstash and td-agent no with the port numbers...i checked ports are listening.

Also i am not sure how to check my ELK is working or not.

please help me ASAP

HI @divyadaka,

Could you pls share the elasticsearch and logstash logs for more understanding.

ES Log: /var/log/elasticsearch/.log
Ls Log: /var/log/logstah/.log

Also, share the YML file for both.

ES conf file: /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
Ls pipeline file: /etc/logsatsh/.yml

Harsh Bajaj

As i see there are many .log files in elasticsearch, logstash, please let me what exactly you want to look at...

Also in yml file...so that i can check and confirm us..

Note:security reasons to share the entire files

Hi @divyadaka,

FOr elasticserch and logstash logs you can check the date and time and share accordingly when the problem is arise.

For Yml file i mentioned above i.e. elasticsearch.yml file and in logstash pipeline file where you mentioned input plugins.filter plugins and o/p plugins.

I can understand about security concern and please don't share information related to you organization/business.

Harsh Bajaj

now in elasticsearch.log i dont see any error or warning..it contains only info

in Logstash LOG file i had 2 errors...u can see below..I think proble with input file of logstash

A)[2019-07-26T12:26:38,349][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'ssl' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:38,349][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'ssl_certificate' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:38,349][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'ssl_key' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:38,355][ ERROR ][logstash.agent ] Cannot create pipeline {:reason=>"Something is wrong with your configuration."}

[2019-07-26T12:26:46,539][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'port' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:46,540][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'ssl' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:46,540][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'ssl_certificate' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:46,540][ ERROR ][logstash.inputs.file ] Unknown setting 'ssl_key' for file

[2019-07-26T12:26:46,545][ ERROR ][logstash.agent ] Cannot create pipeline {:reason=>"Something is wrong with your configuration."}

B0 [2019-07-26T09:33:16,230][WARN ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] UNEXPECTED POOL ERROR {:e=>#<LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch::HttpClient::Pool::NoConnectionAvailableError: No Available connections>}

Please let me know in YML file of elasticsearch and logstash what fileds you would like me to share

Hi @divyadaka,

I need you logstash pipeline and pls hide your IP and port or other information related to your organization

Harsh Bajaj

In your logstash configuration you have add TLS related setting to a file input. The file input does not support TLS, so you need to remove them.

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