I am having an issue getting certain records within my log file to parse and I do not know how to resolve this. Not every record is 1-1 and for records not containing these fields, it works fine and parses\maps properly. Can someone please advise on what can be done to get this working? My config and sample record is below. I am unable to manipulate the log so it is making it hard for me to parse that eventInfo field given the way it is coming in so any help would greatly be appreciated.
// input {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/casb_storage/event.log"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
filter {
grok {
match => { "message" => "<14>%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{GREEDYDATA:casb}" }
kv {
source => "casb"
field_split => ","
include_brackets => true
recursive => "true"
remove_char_value => """
value_split => "="
date {
locale => "en"
match => [ "timestamp", "MMM dd yyyy HH:mm:ss" ]
mutate {
remove_field => [ "casb","message","syslog_timestamp","syslog_hostname","type","path","@index","@version","host","port","tags" ]
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => [ "http://xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxx" ]
user => "elastic"
password => "elastic_test_p@ssw0rd"
document_type => "doc"
index => "casb_audit"
} file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/casb_storage/test.log"
// <14>Apr 16 13:34:13 server.com auditEventTypeEventCategoryId=180,auditEventTypeEventCategoryName=Incidents,auditEventTypeEventTypeId=2002,auditEventTypeEventTypeName="Change Incident Owner",auditEventTypeSubTypeId=0,createdTime="Apr 16 2019 18:17:16.000 UTC",eventInfo="Changed Owner to John Doe. Incident IDs: 13870, 21264, 21272, 27698, 27700, 27701, 32582, 33131, 37662, 37837, 41246, 43810, 50220, 53428, 59517, 71785, 73560, 73563, 84358, 84360, 84450, 87290, 88713, 88720, 88722, 88723, 88724, 91440, 91530, 91531, 93609, 93760, 99044, 99116, 99267, 99294, 100969, 101211, 111510, 111515, 111509, 111512, 111514, 111526, 111507, 111497, 111500, 111508, 111499, 111523, 111501, 111503, 111504, 111525, 111498, 111506, 111502, 111505, 111527, 111513, 111511, 111520, 111519, 111518, 111522, 111521, 111516, 111517, 111524, 111528, 111530, 111529, 111531, 111534, 111537, 111535, 111532, 111536, 111533, 111540, 111542, 111541, 111539, 111546, 111549, 111548, 111544, 111550, 111547, 111553, 111552, 111555, 111551, 111556, 111558, 111557, 111559, 111561, 111560, 111562, 111564, 111565, 111566, 111563, 111567, 111568, 111569, 111575, 111570, 111573, 111572, 113228, 113229, 113230, 113231, 113232, 113233, 113234, 113235, 113237, 113236, 113238, 113239, 129341, 129426, 135672, 135675, 139416, 139581, 139686, 143504, 145509, 152415, 160709",insertionId=18403852,objectName=BULK,tenantId=72854,timestamp="Apr 16 2019 18:17:13.000 UTC",userInfoEmail=John.Doe@server.com,userInfoFirstName=John,userInfoLastName=Doe,userInfoUserId=36145