Logstash pipeline development tool 2022

Hi there!
It's time for the yearly release. :slight_smile:

For those that have not seen it it's a tool to help with the development of logstash filters. You simply enter raw log lines into an input field, choose which logstash pipeline to test and then click on Send to see the output of the logstash filter. Since logstash is automatically reloaded when changes to the configuration is detected you can continue to update, send and validate output until you are happy with the results.

Included are two example pipelines, one for generic json files and one for F5 config. If you wish to contribute more example pipelines, please create a Pull Request or ping me.

This time I've added/updated:

  • Unit testing for the logstash configuration to prevent regression when updating grok filters etc.
  • Cypress.io testing for the interface
  • Updated the underlying containers

Screenshot of the tool:

How to use the tool:

The code:

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