Logstash pipeline multiple if statements


I am trying create multiple if statements in the filter section in my pipeline config but I have no success with that.

This works (with one if statement)

filter {
  json {
      source => "message"
  split { field => "[data][TABLE_neighbor][ROW_neighbor]"  }

  if "" in [host] or "" in [host] or "" in [host] or "" in [host] {
      mutate {
          add_tag => [ "test" ]

This doesn't work:

filter {
  json {
      source => "message"
  split { field => "[data][TABLE_neighbor][ROW_neighbor]"  }

  if "" in [host] or "" in [host] or "" in [host] or "" in [host] {
      mutate {
          add_tag => [ "test" ]
  if "true" in [data.TABLE_neighbor.ROW_neighbor.up] {
      mutate {
           add_field => { "testfield" => "1"  }

What wrong with this filter? How can I use multiple if statements for different fields?


Your split filter suggests you have a field called [data][TABLE_neighbor][ROW_neighbor] (in elasticsearch or kibana you would call that data.TABLE_neighbor.ROW_neighbor) so it seems likely that your second if should be

if "true" in [data][TABLE_neighbor][ROW_neighbor][up] {

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