Logstash pipelines dose not work independently


I want to implement a logstash pipeline to parallelly send unprocessed data to s3 and processed data to ES.
I currently have this implementation but data is not publishing to s3 when ES is not responding.

how can I run both processes (publish to s3 and publish to es) without depending one on another?

I am planning to use this for an auto-scale application and the elk pipeline can not be stopped at any given time.

- pipeline.id: beats-server
  queue.type: persisted
  config.string: |
    input {
      beats {
        port => 5044
    output {
      pipeline { send_to => [toes, tos3] }


- pipeline.id: toes-processing
  queue.type: persisted
  config.string: |
    input { pipeline { address => toes } }
    output {
      elasticsearch {



- pipeline.id: tos3-processing
  config.string: |
    input { pipeline { address => tos3 } }
    output {
      s3 {


The documentation of the output isolator pattern for pipeline to pipeline communications covers this.

logstash has an at-least-once delivery model. In order to do that it queues data when an output cannot accept it. Once the queue is full backpressure will prevent the pipeline processing new events. You will have to have a persistent queue large enough to store all the events that arrive whilst ES is down.

If you want to drop events that ES cannot accept then connect two pipelines using a transport that loses data, such as UDP.

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