Hi evrey one, I'am new with elasticsearch and logstash.
The problem:
I want to use logstash to obtain all image of a file system structure, (I don't need the immage i only need the informetion (Like: path, name)) but when logstash take an immage he create and send to elasticsearch multiple information (for the same image). I want to send only one time.
I tryed
drop {}
but it skip evreything and no information go in elasticsearch
Logstash rubydebug:
"path" => [
[0] "C:",
[1] "Users",
[2] "U1",
[3] "Desktop",
[4] "porva",
[5] "lkml",
[6] "1.jpg"
"shortHostname" => "C:",
"host" => "PC3130",
"Link_for_file" => "C:\\Users\U1\Desktop\\porva\\lkml\\1.jpg",
"NameFile" => "1.jpg",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => 2021-06-15T13:46:51.142Z
"path" => [
[0] "C:",
[1] "Users",
[2] "U1",
[3] "Desktop",
[4] "porva",
[5] "lkml",
[6] "1.jpg"
"shortHostname" => "C:",
"host" => "PC3130",
"Link_for_file" => "C:\\Users\\U1\\Desktop\\porva\\lkml\\1.jpg",
"NameFile" => "1.jpg",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => 2021-06-15T13:46:51.158Z
"path" => [
[0] "C:",
[1] "Users",
[2] "U1",
[3] "Desktop",
[4] "porva",
[5] "lkml",
[6] "1.jpg"
"shortHostname" => "C:",
"host" => "PC3130",
"Link_for_file" => "C:\\Users\\U1\\Desktop\\porva\\lkml\\1.jpg",
"NameFile" => "1.jpg",
"@version" => "1",
"@timestamp" => 2021-06-15T13:46:51.166Z
(he sends to many time the same information).
There is some way i can skip all file (read only the name of the files?). And send information to elasticsearch only one time?
Sorry for my english