Logstash protobuf codec int issue

Hey all,

using this proto:
`message foo {
optional int64 f = 1;

message boo {
optional int64 b = 1;

message aa {
oneof bull {
foo fa = 1;
boo ba = 2;
required int64 b = 3;

and logstash config:
input { kafka { bootstrap_servers => ":9092" topics => ["logstash"] auto_offset_reset => "earliest" codec => protobuf { class_name => "Aa" include_path => ['/home/user/aa.pb.rb'] } } } output { stdout { codec => json } }

I set aa.b to 128
I recieved this output:

If i set it to 127 it works, meaning I have an issue with the definition of int64, looks like it defines it like int8

libprotoc 2.6.1
ruby-protoc 1.6.1

Do I need to compile the proto different?


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