Logstash ruby filter is not working

Hi All ,

I am using ruby filter in logstash . Xpack is enabled in my local machine. I am not able to put username and password in ruby filter like i am putting after index name(elastic:elastic). Hence, my ruby filter lookup is not working. Can you please help in putting username and password in filter ?

Please find below logstash configuration :

port => 5044

   grok {
          match => { "message" => ["(?<te>(.|\r|\n){1,20})from %{USERNAME:From_Table}%{SPACE}\s(to)%{DATA:To_Table}\:(.|\r|\n){1,60}\***\s(since)\s%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Activity_Since}\***\W+\Total\s%{WORD:insertfield}\s*%{NUMBER:insertcount}\W+\Total\s%{WORD:updatefield}\s*%{NUMBER:updatecount}\W+\Total\s%{WORD:deletefield}\s*%{NUMBER:deletecount}",
		  "Sending STATS request to %{WORD:process_type}%{SPACE}%{WORD:process_name}(.|\r|\n){1,60}\s*(at) %{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:start_of_statistics}",
		  "from %{USERNAME:From_Table}%{SPACE}\s(to)%{DATA:To_Table}\:(.|\r|\n){1,60}\***\s(since)\s%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:Activity_Since}\***\W+%{GREEDYDATA:Description}"
    if [From_Table] { 
 ruby {
init => 'require "net/http"
		                      require "uri"' 
                               code => 'adq = event.get("From_Table")

                                #puts adq     #to print data to console
                               uri = URI.parse["http://localhost:9200/dellnew/doc/1001"]
                               http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
                                request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
                                response = http.request(request)
                                #puts response.code #to print data to console
                                if response.code == "200"
                                result = JSON.parse(response.body)
                                process_name = result["_source"]["process_name"]
								process_type = result["_source"]["process_type"]
								start_of_statistics = result["_source"]["start_of_statistics"]
                                event.set("process_name", process_name)
								event.set("process_type", process_type)
								event.set("start_of_statistics", start_of_statistics)
  if [Description] == "No database operations have been performed."  {
          mutate {
                  add_field => { "insertcount" =>  "0.00" }
                  add_field => { "deletecount" =>  "0.00" }
                  add_field => { "updatecount" =>  "0.00" }	
				  add_field => { "insertfield" =>  "inserts" }	
				  add_field => { "updatefield" =>  "updates" }	
				  add_field => { "deletefield" =>  "deletes" }	


mutate {

		add_field => { "%{insertfield}" =>  "%{insertcount}" }
		add_field => { "%{updatefield}" =>  "%{updatecount}" }
		add_field => { "%{deletefield}" =>  "%{deletecount}" }

if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop { }
mutate {
remove_field => ["@version","@timestamp","path","beat","prospector","source","offset","tags","multiline","os","architecture","name","host","agent","log","ecs","insertcount","deletecount","updatecount","input","insertfield","updatefield","deletefield"]
if [From_Table] {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
index => "wipronew"
user => "elastic"
password => "elastic"


if ![From_Table] {
if [process_type] {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
index => "dellnew"
user => "elastic"
password => "elastic"
document_type => "doc"
document_id => "1001"

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