Logstash s3 input plugin not working without prefix

I am trying to ingest msk logs from s3 bucket to Elasticsearch via logstash input s3 plugin.

S3 bucket holds multiple msk cluster logs. Here is my logstash input config

input {
        s3 {
            "region" => "{{ region }}"
            "bucket" => "{{ bucket_name }}"
            "interval" => "{{ interval }}"
            "additional_settings" => {
                "force_path_style" => true
                "follow_redirects" => false

The above config doesnt seem to be working. I dont see logs coming in. So in order to test I have specified the input config with prefix. Here is an example.

input {
        s3 {
            "region" => "{{ region }}"
            "bucket" => "{{ bucket_name }}"
            "interval" => "{{ interval }}"
            "prefix" => "logs/msk-mskconfigtest-v2/AWSLogs/<accountid>/KafkaBrokerLogs/us-east-1/mskconfigtest-v2-e4c16427-7572-43f8-b814-18c2fcad2062-19/"
            "additional_settings" => {
                "force_path_style" => true
                "follow_redirects" => false

The second block seems to be working but in my scenario the cluster name is variable and new clusters get added in the future. Is this a limitation? Even just specifying "logs/" doesnt seem to be working. What are my options here?

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