Logstash service start but later stopped with error he error reported is: \n java.io.EOFException"

Can someone give some suggestions about following issue?

logstash1.5-1.5.2-4.el6. Not Running

Error Seen :
{:timestamp=>"2016-06-10T05:28:24.691000+0000", :message=>"weblogic plugin is using the 'milestone' method to declare the version of the plugin this method is deprecated in favor of declaring the version inside the gemspec.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-06-10T05:28:25.537000+0000", :message=>"The error reported is: \n java.io.EOFException"}
{:timestamp=>"2016-06-13T06:14:36.618000+0000", :message=>"weblogic plugin is using the 'milestone' method to declare the version of the plugin this method is deprecated in favor of declaring the version inside the gemspec.", :level=>:warn}
{:timestamp=>"2016-06-13T06:14:37.521000+0000", :message=>"The error reported is: \n java.io.EOFException"}

What plugin is this? I cannot see a weblogic plugin in the docs.