Hi everyone,
i have a problem with dynamic fields. i saw a few topics but they are not useful for me.
when you use logstash as snmptrap receiver, you will see that datas are not a static values. They will change when source changed.
Example: when trap came from Fa0/1 interface field like SNMP:SMI:Ifindex.1 and from Fa0/2 SNMP:SMI:Ifindex.2
it is a problem when i work with logstash.
İ tried some ruby codes but i am not good at ruby so much.
Can you help me how can remove dynamic section in dynamic fileds ?
code => "
hash = event.to_hash;
hash.each do |k,v|;
if v =~ /.\d+/
That is trap message:
"SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0" => "BRIDGE-MIB::topologyChange",
"DISMAN-EXPRESSION-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance" => "205 days, 21:40:58.24",
"VTP-MIB::vtpVlanIndexVlanID.3002" => "3002",
"@timestamp" => 2017-01-12T07:56:45.143Z,
"host" => "",
"@version" => "1",
"message" => "#<SNMP::SNMPv2_Trap:0x25e80829 @request_id=36, @error_index=0, @error_status=0, @source_ip=\"\", @varbind_list=[#<SNMP::VarBind:0x64d50212 @name=[], @value=#<SNMP::TimeTicks:0x3037bba7 @value=1779005824>>, #<SNMP::VarBind:0x557b44c8 @name=[], @value=[]>, #<SNMP::VarBind:0x4873a3d3 @name=[], @value=#<SNMP::Integer:0x4fafd5d @value=3002>>, #<SNMP::VarBind:0x91d94e6 @name=[], @value=\"Fa0/27\">]>",
"IF-MIB::ifName.10027" => "Fa0/27",
"tags" => []
i want to remove .3002 section with its main section.
"VTP-MIB::vtpVlanIndexVlanID.3002" => "3002"
"VTP-MIB::vtpVlanIndexVlanID" => "3002"
and finally it is going to work all dynamic variable.
"VTP-MIB::vtpVlanIndexVlanID" => "1"
"VTP-MIB::vtpVlanIndexVlanID" => "500"
"IF-MIB::ifName.10027" => "Fa0/27"
"IF-MIB::ifName" => "Fa0/27"
"IF-MIB::ifName" => "Fa0/35"
Best regards.