Logstash split fields

Actually im trying to split a field's request with & caracter

kv {
      source => "request"
      field_split => "&?"
      target => "params"

For example when the request is:


I get this:


But same times the value of field contains the & caracter like:


Then with my filter i will get:


Or i want to get:


Is there any solution to intercept c..tt&d=lolo as a value of tata ?

If no, how can i delete a field contains . or $


Does this string originate from a URL?

Yes, and my problem is with the owa_http_referer parameter.


You can see it contains the & caracter.

Not sure what you mean. Your example string decodes to this:


Are you saying that there's a "&" in there that's actually supposed to be part of the value?

Exactly, the & is a part of the value of owa_HTTP_REFERER field.
I want to get
http://fr.search.yahoo.com/search?p=rapports+annuels+de+performance&fr=iphone&.tsrc=apple&pcarrier=Orange+F&pmcc=208&pmnc=01 as value of owa_HTTP_REFERER.

So use the urldecode filter, or am I still not understanding the problem?

Sorry if i cant explain clearly.

Suppose we have the following string:

with k filter I get this :
> {


But i want to get:
> {


Im searching a solution to get string1=aa&string2=bb as a valur of fied2.

Are you understand or not clear yet ?

Yeah, that's pretty much from the start but I don't see how that applies to the actual URL you sent. I can't find any extra "&" characters.

Anyway, that URL seems to have been produced by broken software that doesn't URL encode the strings properly. Fixing that in a generic way isn't possible. If you can describe, in words, the algorithm to use when joining together the strings I can help you with the Logstash implementation. In other words, following your most recent example, how would Logstash know that it's field2 and string2 that should be joined?

There are no way to know that it's field2 or others, i receive requests with an algorithm in a JS file.
And there are no extra & character. I want a solution to tell my filter that all characters of the string (string1=aa&string2=bb) are a single value of the field2.

The problem that the kv (with & split character) will decompose my string in many fields and values because it contains the & character.

At the end, the kv gives me same fileds name starts with dot characters that are not supported on MongoDB. So the solution is to find a filter that gives me this field2 = string1=aa&string2=bb or remove the fields that their name starts with dot character.