Logstash stuck when lumberjack server is down

We are using Logstash 7.15.2 with following lumberjack output configured.

output {
  lumberjack {
   id => "dcae5gcprod"
   hosts => ["dcae-5gc-prod.ecomp.idns.cci.att.com"]
   codec => json
   port => 31135
   ssl_certificate => "/run/secrets/lumberjackOutput-certs/tls.crt"

When the lumberjack server goes down or the connection is lost, we observe Logstash remains in stuck state and not re-trying to connect to the lumberjack output. The problem is recovered by restarting Logstash.
I have tried looking in other topics, but I failed to see any that had a similar behavior.
Could you please check and suggest.

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