Logstash syslog UDP output

Hello. I'm trying to forward syslog messages to my ES cluster and UDP output to external server at the same time. But, for UDP output I don't want to change its contents. For example: now, logstash insert timestamp field and remove facility:

input message:

2019-10-08T14:49:46Z HOST storageRM[5591140]: KB-IT-Store, 0

output message:

2019-10-08T14:50:57.228Z X.X.X.X. <13>2019-10-08T14:50:57Z HOST storageRM[5591140]: KB-IT-Store, 0

Logstash config:

input {
udp {
port => 1514
type => syslog
id => "syslog_udp"
output {
if [type] == "syslog" {
pipeline {
send_to => syslog_pipe
udp {
host => "10.x.x.x"
port => "514"
codec => "plain"

How can I do that?

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