Logstash Tcp output does not working

Log stash 5.0.0 does not working after "Failed (Connection refused - Connection refused). Sleeping for 2.0" message.

I was checking for an error situation.

  1. "A" tcp server working on 9812 port..
  2. log stash output to A tcp server (it works.)
  3. Suddenly i kill "A" server
  4. then log stash print "Failed (Connection refused - Connection refused). Sleeping for x.x" message
  5. Restart A in the same way as environment # 1.
  6. finally log stash does not working......T^T


input {
file {
#start_position => "beginning"
start_position => "end"
path => ["/data/app_logs/api.log"]
codec => "json"
filter {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "[headers][cookie]" ]
output {
tcp {
host => "IP"
port => "9812"
codec => json_lines

stdout { codec => rubydebug }

How can i fix it this issue...

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