Logstash - Using a VIP output - hosts

I have tried searching existing threads but couldnt find any solution to this problem

We are trying to use a Elasticsearch cluster VIP in Logstash but it appends 9200 to the VIP..
It doesnt work even if use globalogs.webix.com:443

How do I bell this cat ?


output {
elasticsearch {
user => elastic
password => eintadmin
hosts => "https:/globalogs.webix.com:443"
index => "dataset"
ssl => true
ssl_certificate_verification => false


What version of Logstash & Elasticsearch output plugin are you using?

We have the below in our Elasticsearch output and it works as expected:
hosts => ["elastic.company.tld:443"]

You do have a typo in your address https:/globalogs, missing an extra /... but if you're specifying the ssl => true it assumes https so you can omit that bit entirely

Thanks, that resolved the connection issue

I am now getting this error:

Caused by: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

You'll need to add the certificate (.pem) to either the java trust store, or point to its location on disk using the cacert option.

I would expect ssl_certificate_verification to mean you don't have to do this but there a several threads out there that seem to indicate this option isn't honoured:

However disabling certificate verification seems like generally something you should avoid anyway

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