Logstash with log4net

we have c# app (many microservices),
running without docker.
for now, All the microservices use log4net to log to file.
we want to write those logs to log4net.

the question is how to do it ?

Question 1:
what is the recommanded topology of ELK
assuming my app does not run in docker ?
should i use logstash \ filebeat\ combination \ other idea ?
is logstash\filebeat installed on every machine that runs our app ?
what is the the point of adding filebeat, if i use logstash ?

i can configure log4Net to write log events to console
(in xml format).
is it possible to configure logstash these logs from console ?
how ?
should it work faster than reading logs from log file ?

I tried working with logstash and log4net xml files.
logstash and log4net runs on the same machine.
log4Net writes log events to log files with Rolling appender.
(any log is written to App.log file.
when App.log reaches maximum file size
log4net renames log files App.99.Log -> App.100.Log, ....
App.98.Log->App.99.Log ...
And writes App.Log to App.1.Log.

3.a can logstash work with rooling file appender ?
will it be able to handle the usecase that log4net clears App.log from time to time ?
3.b I an not sure not how to configure
the file input plugin in logstash.
path => "...App.log"
sincedb_path => "NUL"
start_position => "beginning"
*begining seems suspicious to me on App.Log
3.c does use of rooling appender slows the system down ?
(i assume it locks App.log while it handles the rooling)

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