Logstash with multiple kafka inputs

I am trying to filter kafka events from multiple topics, but once all events from one topic has been filtered logstash is not able to fetch events from the other kafka topic. I am using topics with 3 partitions and 2 replications Here is my logstash confi

input {
auto_offset_reset => "smallest"
consumer_id => "logstashConsumer1"
topic_id => "unprocessed_log1"
type => "kafka_type_1"
auto_offset_reset => "smallest"
consumer_id => "logstashConsumer1"
topic_id => "unprocessed_log2"
zk_connect => ",,"
type => "kafka_type_2"
if [type] == "kafka_type_1"{
csv {
separator=>" "
source => "data"
if [type] == "kafka_type_2"{
csv {
separator => " "
source => "data"
stdout{ codec=>rubydebug{metadata => true }}

Please edit your subject so that you are not answering the entire question there.

With two kafka inputs the messages are processed in parallel. Are you just at the end of the data?

With above configurations data of only one topic was processed. My expectation was to process all the data from both topics. Now I have used different consumer_id of both inputs and its working perfectly fine.

Curious. I would expect each to be able to use the same as long as the topic is different. Thanks for the update!