Logstash Zabbix Output Plugin Doesn't Use PSKs

We were debugging the code for the logstash-output-zabbix plugin, and found it doesn't use zabbix_sender to communicate with Zabbix. Our Zabbix instance did not authorize the plugin to communicate with it.

zabbix_sender takes a -c argument, which allows you to pass in your Zabbix agent config, and it presumably figures out the PSK information from there. The plugin should probably should call zabbix_sender, or be more robust to allow passing in PSKs.

What do you think @theuntergeek?

Version of the plugin: 3.0.5
Version of the entire ELK stack: 6.3.


The plugin is in need of updating, clearly. Not sure when I can get to it, though :cry:

Thanks for the reply. If I have some spare time I'll look into this.

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