Loop over array in output

Hello currently I have code that works, but could be improved if I would be able to iterate.
Now I say if the 3rd element of the array exists, output the 3rd element (into a file).
See code below:

output {
  if [value][3] {
    file {
      path => "\\host123\input\file.txt"		
      codec => line { format => "name: '%{name[3]}' value: '%{value[3]}'" }
  if [value][2] {
    file {
      path => "\\host123\input\file.txt"		
      codec => line { format => "name: '%{name[2]}' value: '%{value[2]}'" }
  if [value][1] {
    file {
      path => "\\host123\input\file.txt"		
      codec => line { format => "name: '%{name[1]}' value: '%{value[1]}'" }
  if [value][0] {
    file {
      path => "\\host123\input\file.txt"		
      codec => line { format => "name: '%{name[0]}' value: '%{value[0]}'" }

I found a solution, for my case.
I need to export the data to a other program, but this can handle arrays. So I split it up in there.

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