Make Json flattening more dynamic to process nested json arrays/objects

Hi, I'm trying to flatten a complex json file, that contains a nested - multilevel - arrays/objects, something like this:


I used what's mentioned in this topic Indent any json file nested fields and make it flat, but Unfortunately it only works for a one child/root arrays, in this case I need to make more dynamic .. any help is appreciated.

Here is the ruby code, in the topic I mentioned above, I used to flatten but it didn't work:

def register(params)
    @field = params['field']

def flatten(object, name, event)
    if object
        if object.kind_of?(Hash) and object != {}
            object.each { |k, v| flatten(v, "#{name}.#{k}", event) }
            event.set(name, object)

def filter(event)
    o = event.get(@field)
    if o
        flatten(o, @field, event)

Calling it in the config file:

ruby {
        path => "/home/user/flattenJSON.rb"
        script_params => { "field" => "body" }

I'm getting this output, which it's not what I'm looking for:


What are you looking for? It's not obvious to me how to flatten an array.

As I mentioned before, the ruby code, attached up :point_up_2:, flattens a json that contains one field that is an array of strings. But, what I need to do is to flatten a json that contains a multi-level/nested arrays.


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