Manipulating array of JSON objects


I have an array of objects named sections like so:

  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
  "name": ".text",
  "flags": [
  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
  "name": ".rdata",
  "flags": [
  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
  "name": ".idata",
  "flags": [

I would like to dynamically create fields like so (basically set the whole object for each name as the value for the newly created field):

sections.text : 

  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
  ".name": ".text",
  "flags": [

The following Ruby code works fine for setting the field name, however, I am not able to populate the entire object into the value:

ruby {
  code => "event.get('sections').each {|hash| event.set('[new_sections][' + hash['name'].gsub('.', '') + ']', hash['value'])};" 

How would I access the current object that event.get('sections').each would be looking at to set that as the value for the hash in the event.set portion?

Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Try this:

input {
  generator {
    message => '{"sections":[
  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER", "name": ".text",
  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER", "name": ".rdata",
  "structure": "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
  "name": ".idata",
    count => 1

filter {
  json {
    source => "message"
    remove_field => ["message"]
  ruby {
    code => '
hash = {}
event.get("sections").each do |section|
  # use fetch on the section hash so that gsub will always have a string to work with
  name_value = section.fetch("name", "no_name").gsub(/^\./, "")
  hash[name_value] = section
event.set("new_sections", hash)'

output {
  stdout {
    codec => rubydebug


        "@version" => "1",
        "sequence" => 0,
        "sections" => [
        [0] {
            "structure" => "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
                 "name" => ".text",
                "flags" => [
                [0] "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE",
                [1] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE",
                [2] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ"
        [1] {
            "structure" => "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
                 "name" => ".rdata",
                "flags" => [
                [0] "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA",
                [1] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ"
        [2] {
            "structure" => "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
                 "name" => ".idata",
                "flags" => [
                [0] "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA",
                [1] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ",
                [2] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE"
      "@timestamp" => 2018-11-02T16:24:39.731Z,
    "new_sections" => {
         "text" => {
            "structure" => "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
                 "name" => ".text",
                "flags" => [
                [0] "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE",
                [1] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE",
                [2] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ"
        "rdata" => {
            "structure" => "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
                 "name" => ".rdata",
                "flags" => [
                [0] "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA",
                [1] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ"
        "idata" => {
            "structure" => "IMAGE_SECTION_HEADER",
                 "name" => ".idata",
                "flags" => [
                [0] "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_INITIALIZED_DATA",
                [1] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ",
                [2] "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE"
            "host" => "Elastics-MacBook-Pro.local"

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