Matching multiline log message with Grok

I have these three lines of log messages:

2019-01-10 15:41:22,164 INFO  [ajp-nio-8010-exec-21] wt.system.out manlla - specIdOR:com.lcs.wc.specification.FlexSpecToSeasonLink:1071796633
2019-01-10 15:41:24,160 DEBUG [ajp-nio-8010-exec-34] rfa.jsp.main.Main manlla - 

 user = manlla
 ipAddress =
 host =
 action = 
 oid = OR:com.lcs.wc.specification.FlexSpecToSeasonLink:10717
 oidList = null
 returnAction = INIT
 returnOid = OR:com.lcs.wc.specification.FlexSpecToSeasonLink:10717
 typeOid = 
 typeAttributeOid = 
 tabId = 
 tabPage = SOURCING
 errorMessage = null
 sessionId = D90C1D4507BEB3F2B112B0D843.tomcat1
 url = ?activity=VIEW_SEASON_PRODUCT_LINK&action=&oid=OR:com.lcs.wc.specification.FlexSpecToSeasonLink:1071796633&oidList=null&typeOid=&typeAttributeOid=&tabId=&tabPage=SOURCING
2019-01-10 15:41:24,199 DEBUG [ajp-nio-8010-exec-34] rfa.jsp.main.MainTemplate manlla - templateType = 

I'm able to parse the first line correctly with this GROK pattern:

%{DATESTAMP:timestamp} %{WORD:severity} %{DATA:var1} %{JAVACLASS:out} %{USERNAME:user} %{GREEDYDATA:msg}

However, I'm having trouble getting to the second log line. Once that line's parsed I'd need to ignore all the # and set the msg field starting from [REQUEST MADE] and end it at the next instance of a log message.

Any help on this would be appreciated! I'm using the GROK debugger to parse this so let me know if more info is required.

Is the second line really a single line? Can you edit your post to use either </> in the toolbar above the editing pane or precede and follow the log with lines containing 3 backticks ```

Unfortunately that second line is one big log message. I'm thinking I'll remove the # and then keep everything else in the message field.

It's one message, but it is not one line. So you will need to combine the lines into a single event. Possibly with a multiline codec on a file input, or if you are using filebeat then you can do it in the beat.

For a file input, this might work.

codec => multiline {
    pattern => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601} "
    negate => true
    what => "previous"

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