I deployed successfully metricbeat7.6.2 on openshift4.3 without problem like
; $oc new-app -e output.elasticsearch.hosts="http://elasticsearch-emsproject.apps-crc.testing/" docker.elastic.co/beats/metricbeat:7.6.2
$oc create serviceaccount useroot
$oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z useroot
$oc edit dc/metricbeat (# add serviceAccountName: useroot)
As a second step, I am trying to configure storage for metricbea.yml as configmap on openshift. It is a problem with security.
$oc create configmap metricbeat-config --from-file=/home/user2/metricbeat/metricbeat.yml
$oc set volume dc/metricbeat --add --mount-path=/usr/share/metricbeat --name=metricbeat-volume-1 -t configmap --configmap-name=metricbeat-config
metricbeat.yml is not uploaded to the container because of userid:group id ( root: metricbeat) for file authority.
Is there any Dockerfile I can reconfigure user/group for the files ?
or anyone experience same issue ?